I know it's been awhile since my last post. Our camera broke over New Years so haven't been able to post any pictures. We are planning on buying a new camera so stay tuned for new pics. Here are some things that have been going on with us lately.
My sister got married on the 20th of January. She was a beautiful bride and Raegan was one of her flower girls. She looked beautiful in her dress and as soon as I get pictures will post them as well. Raegan is doing wonderful in school, she made the Honor Roll again and got her progress report for the second semester and here are her grades: Math 91, Science 102, Social Studies 100, Reading 93, PE, Music, and Art 95, and Language Arts 92. We are so very proud of how well she is doing in school! She has been doing wonderful with her reading as well. She is on Level J. We are so very proud of her!
In Avery news, he is growing so much everyday. He talks more everyday and can say small sentences. He loves to give hugs and kisses and loves bread. We gave him a buzz cut about a month ago and he looks so grown up and adorable. He loves music and loves to dance. He loves to play and pet the dogs too. He loves to say hi to people and is very outgoing. He can say his name, love you, bye bye, Harley, Sadie, daddy, mommy, bread, Mimi, Raegan, baby, no, sizzle, ball, and so much more. We are so proud of him!
That is all for now but stay tuned for pictures! Have a great Friday!